Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Obamacare's Future Now Depends on an Unhappy White House

After Senate Republicans failed in their second attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare, the current health care system lives on. Margot Sanger-Katz, a domestic correspondent for the New York Times, argues that the Trump Administration isn’t working on trying to solve current health care issues, but rather, is blaming them as failures of the previous Obama Administration. Trump told Republicans they should “let Obamacare fail,” adding, “I’m not going to own it.”

Even though Republicans control both houses of Congress, the rift between conservative and moderate Republicans has demonstrated that there is not enough agreement within the party to pass a major health overhaul bill without Democratic support. President Trump believes that a disaster in the insurance markets will make Democrats willing to negotiate with Republicans. But, Margot argues, “that could be a risky strategy,” putting millions of Americans at risk. The author offered an alternative solution. She proposed the Trump Administration take actions to reassure insurers and try to stabilize the markets. Margot argued that the Trump Administration, “has the power to minimize damage from any of the current health law’s flaws,” however, that doesn’t seem to be the President’s current path.

The author’s intended audience is the Trump Administration. In this article, Margot encourages President Trump to work on boosting the insurance markets, and to try to minimize the negative impacts of Obamacare. I agree with the author, and I believe that letting Obamacare fail will put millions of Americans at risk. I am also concerned that if Republican let Obamacare fail, they won’t be able to put the insurance market back together.

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