Thursday, July 13, 2017

Senate Republicans Unveil New Health Bill but Divisions Remain

Today, the New York Times published an article about Senate Republicans unveiling their revised Health Bill to repeal and replace Obama's Affordable Care Act. The bill, however, is already in danger as two Republican senators, moderate Susan Collins and conservative Rand Paul, announced they are still against the new proposal. The bill needs 50 votes to win Senate passage, and one more defection would shut down the revised bill. Medicaid is at the heart of the debate, with conservative Republicans wanting to totally dismantle the Affordable Care Act, while moderate Republicans worry deep cuts to Medicaid would leave many citizens in their states without health care.

I believe that this article is worth reading because the dismantling of the Affordable Care Act is going to affect millions of Americans, and will change the way our health care system has been funded for the past 7 years under the Obama Administration. Also, with this being the second Republican Health Bill Proposal, it will be interesting to see if Senate Republicans can bridge the divide between moderates and conservatives.

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